Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mt Vaea and the Tomb of Robert Louis Stevenson

We recently took a walk to the top of Mt Vaea in Vailima which is near the Robert Louis Stevenson museum. Even though the walk sounds hard is not too taxing! It took about an hour and 15 minutes to complete the 3km walk to the top. There are two tracks known as the long and the short! We took the longer and less steep track up and the shorter, steeper track involving steps back down.

At the top you can visit Robert Louis Stevenson who was ceremoniously buried here, as a mark of respect, by the local people after his death in 1894. As is customary and accepted in Samoa you can climb onto his grave and sit while you think about the great literary work he produced. From the top you can also see down to the township of Apia and spot other landmarks such as SPREP and the US Embassy.

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