Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Power and the Rain

I am sitting on our verandah under the shelter of the corrugated iron roof and it is chucking it down with rain which sounds great. The guttering is overflowing in many places as it can’t cope with the volume of water. Bring it on I say though as only in Samoa can it rain this hard but there still not be enough water in the dams to run the Hydro Power stations!! For the past 8 days we have had power outages whenever the Electric Power Corporation has felt like it and they call it “rationing”. This morning there was an announcement on the radio as to which areas were going to have “rationing” at what times. In Vaigaga we were meant to have 12.00pm – 3.00pm this week every day so why is it 6.00pm and we have no power? This is Samoa. We have just cooked our dinner on the BBQ in a pot (re-heated food from last night). The BBQ is proving to be very useful in these times. It is very hot here, especially inside when there are no fans, and there is not much breeze but the 5 children from across the road have got the right idea. They are running up and down the street splashing in the puddles in the pouring rain and they are naked!! What a life aye? That is probably their shower for tonight!! There is thunder and lightning now so best they head inside before their bits get fried!

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