Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Carnage in the Library

Yesterday when I opened the library door I was very surprised to find a bird flying about inside. The poor thing must have been stuck in there all weekend. We opened up the doors as wide as we could and I tried to shoo him out but to no avail as the ceilings in the library are quite high so he just kept flying up out of reach. During the morning little bird sat on the louver windows while his mates clung to the mesh on the outside and they chirped to each other. When not doing this he flew up and down the length of the windows trying to find a way out. Unfortunately in the afternoon I heard a massive twang and turned to see feathers floating in the air. Poor little bird had hit one of the ceiling fans and come worse off. I looked for him everywhere but could not find him. It was not until later that evening when Adam came to pick me up that he spotted the bird on the floor underneath Silia’s desk. He is R.I.P. now. Wrapped in the Fiji Times daily newspaper and given an appropriate send off. This happens all too often for my liking so I’m open to suggestions as to how to get the birds out of the library …

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