Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Turtles and Swimming

It was so hot 2 weekends ago that we had to go exploring to find a place to swim. We went back towards the airport and stopped at a place called Malua (where we met someone called Fua - Fua from Malua!!) There is a pond here where they have lots and lots of turtles. I have finally managed to upload a photo of a turtle for you! We watched them feed the turtles cucumber and taro leaves and also went for a swim across the road and out to sea. Adam complained the whole time that the water level did not get above his knees!! It seems to go out for a way pretty shallow and flat which is good for the locals reef fishing but not so good for swimming. Anyway we managed to duck down and get wet. The water was swirling with warm and cold patches. Also seems that a palagi girl dressed in togs is cause for yahooing in this country. I was minding my own business wading out to sea when a truck load of boys decided to yell something out to me and wave furiously! Of course I waved back '-)

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