Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Palagi Pants and Palagi Pace

Correct me if I’m wrong but am I the only person who wears knickers in this country?!!!!!!!!!! I ask this question as my washing line seems to be the only one with knickers hanging on it in nice neat rows!! I now have a complex about this so have taken to hiding the hanging up of my knickers in between long towels and sheets so that no one can see them!! Just a thought to ponder, is it only palagi’s who wear pants?

Also, I have discovered there is palagi and then there is samoan pace for doing things. Samoan pace is s..l..o..w (you can’t rush things) and palagi pace (especially mine) goes 1,2,1,2,1,2. I recently had to send one of the library staff downtown to pick up some things which I needed before heading into a meeting. I had to instruct her to go at palagi pace otherwise I would have seen her 2 hours later!! No one walks around in a rush here and all tasks are done slowly and methodically (but done well ;-)) I will now understand the samoan people better when I see them in NZ.


Taniyah said...

Reading your views on life in Samoa is hilarious. I am Samoan but was born in New Zealand and raised in Australia. I have recently returned from Samoa and was perplexed when my undies were the only ones on the line flapping away in the wind...even more amusing was every night my aunty made me hang my undergarments in the faleo'o and turn the light on incase my undies "went walking". My relatives were also amazed at how quick we were, if we went to the store we were back within minutes, whereas the Samoan steppers would be gone for half an hour. I guess thats what they refer to as "Island Time"... Ia manuia!

Adam and Angela said...

Thanks Taniyah. Glad you are enjoying the blog! Initially started this for friends and family back home but seems we are now getting a much wider audience. Maybe better watch future comments?!! Have been in touch with one person wanting to come and work in Samoa, given some advice and now he's here so that was cool. Just shows what social networking can do ah.