Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Molly Missile

What it is to live in a house where at any time, unannounced, a furry missile comes launching at your legs and attaches to your ankles, hanging on for grim death with pin needle claws and teeth to aid the situation!

Yes this is what it is like to live with Molly the Missile Cat!!

Actually she is now about 7 weeks old and appears to have reached that stage where she can run around the house so fast we have no chance of catching her. She has a good little routine going. Eat, play, play, play, flop, drop, sleep then do it all again! Lovely personality. Snuggles in behind your ear while purring away and looks so lovely when asleep.

This is why you will understand how hard it is to give her up today to Louise from netball who promises she will take very good care of her. Molly is off to become Molly the Mouse Catching Cat. We will miss her ............

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