Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I drove down town last week and I feared for my life - honestly!! My Grandad used to say that NZers were the worst drivers ever and if you can drive in NZ then you can drive anywhere in the world. I think maybe he had not visited Samoa! What with the rain and the pot holes (as quick as they fill them they open up again), the general state of the roads, no traffic markings and road rules that appear to be optional - you run the gauntlet for sure! You have to try and miss the people ambling across the road, watch out for cars pulling out into the flow and pushing in, watch for cars stopping in the middle of the road to let others in, stopping (again in the middle of the road) to talk to their mates ..... the list goes on. You sure need your wits about you at all times. No wandering mind or watching the sights. Eyes straight ahead and paying attention thank you. Lets not even mention the left hand drive vehicles with limited driver vision or the major road works which will be great when they are done but in the mean time add to the general state of confusion.

Got home with no dings in the car. Much to be thankful for!! Glad I don't have to deal with that daily maddness. And I moved to Samoa for the quiet life!

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