Friday, September 4, 2009

USP Alafua Open Day 2009

Last Thursday we had Open Day on campus. This is when the college students from all over Samoa get to come to USP to see the facilities and find out what courses are offered.

The campus looked fantastic. With a new Director at the helm a lot of effort and energy was put into tidying the place up a bit. Lawns were mowed, weeds pulled, paths swept, rubbish picked up etc. Each section also got well into the spirit this year and put together some great presentations and displays. The library girls out did themselves with a very artistic display of new books and decorated the library with Teuila flowers and flower arrangements.

This year I was on the committee to help organise Open Day and so was in charge of the Tours around campus. We had 10 locations from the library to IT, satellite room, crops, engineering, tissue culture and farm etc. It was my job to walk around campus with the camera and get photos in each area. You will find these up on Flickr! Unfortunately I did not have my own camera as it got accidentally broken at netball so I was using the ancient campus camera that takes 30 seconds to re-load between pictures!! Anyway some photos are better than none.

My most favourite part of the day is the cultural performances by the various USP students. Again this year they all practiced hard and put on a good show. The netball girls had me sewing their costumes which meant 2 late nights in the sweat shop but they looked so beautiful on the day and got some nice comments so it was well worth it. See the photos of the lovely pink outfits for proof! I will also upload some short clips to YouTube soon.

In the evening we had our first ever staff party in the newly opened Multipurpose Centre which is for staff and students to share. Somehow I ended up organising this too but it wasn't too hard. Got a few sausages and some bread for a sausage sizzle and told everyone to bring their own drinks. Had IT hook up the laptop with some tunes and away we went. I think I managed to entertain with my Samoan Siva on the night and am still living it down!!

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