Monday, June 30, 2008

Samoan TV update

We have now been here 5 weeks so here's an update on the TV! No one in this country is allowed to watch any of the 'good bits'!!! Movies especially are censored. We have learnt that if the characters are heading towards any kissing or (heaven forbid) sex then .... CHOP ..... abruptly comes in an ad for Samoan Star Search or the Faztec appliance shop!!! It would be bloody annoying of it wasn't so hilarious! Means you miss out on what is going on as generally when the movie comes back then you pick up after the 'good bit' so you have missed some of the story line.

So when we went to see Sex and the City at the movies I wondered if there would be any movie left to show ...... but they showed it all. Shock horror. No wonder there were so many men in the audience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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