Tuesday, October 13, 2009

RIP Puppy

Talofa All

Well just when we thought the sadness was over and we could start to move on, puppy got sick and passed away. Friday night she was very lethargic. Saturday not much better. I managed to get her to drink some water but no eating. She was very wobbly and could not really hold herself up on her legs though did manage to walk to the puddle outside the gate and lie in it. Sunday I was getting very concerned about no improvement and by this stage puppy could lift her head into the water bowl but did not have the strength to drink. We contacted the Vet from the Animal Protection Society and took puppy up to the clinic. The vet said either she had been poisoned or had the Parvovirus which was very contageous to dogs and dangerous for puppies under the age of 1. We pumped her full of fluids and antibiotics and she perked up right away and tried to stand up and get off the table.

We took puppy home and she walked around the section for a good hour which we thought was a good sign then she crawled under the car to sleep. About an hour and 1/2 later I went back out to see her as it was about time for some more water and electrolytes in a syringe given to us by the vet. Unfortunately she did not move when I called her and then I noticed her still eyes and no breathing. This was only about 2 hours after we had seen the vet and all thought she would pull through.

It was heartbreaking to see our beautiful little puppy so still and stiff. Adam set to digging a hole in the back yard which was hard yakka in the ground that is very dry and like concrete. Actually he hit a slab of concrete and a number of large rocks before finding a spot that was suitable.

We buried puppy and placed rocks on the top to stop the other dogs digging her back up. What a way to spend our White Sunday weekend.

Puppy will be remembered for her mischief as the jandal theif, for bringing all manner of rubbish into our back yard from coconut shells to mats, cardboard boxes, bones etc, for her beautiful ginger and golden colourings and when she wagged her tail her whole back end wagged with it. Somehow she was also louder than the other 2 dogs put together when she barked.

RIP little puppy. Peter wanted you to become the fire dog at the fire station. I hope you are now in heaven where you can look after each other.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi you two,

bugger, that's another sad stuff! But Angela, you might be right about what you put in the last paragraph...Very touching x