Friday, August 7, 2009

Little Lincoln

Just wanted to give you a quick update on our trip to Australia - Brisbane recently. We had a week with Raymond and Lisa and the new addition Lincoln. The time went so fast. Far too fast actually. Baby was really good. Started to sleep through the night just before we got there so perfect timing. He is quite a good shopper as long as milk and clean nappies are still at hand. Smiles and laughs away at you all the time which I thought was pretty impressive for a 7 week old. I'm not biased of course! Photos of us are on Flickr so check them out. Lincoln is like a chip off the old (my brother) block and raised much attention when out and about with his Dad.

We also got to catch up with some family and meet some we hadn't met before plus a couple of friends and their kids. Adam was warming to the baby thing by the end of the week especially when he got put in charge as the rest of us were busy cleaning and baking for imminent arriving visitors! Did a pretty good job actually.

So did the feeding, nappies, playing, nursing and putting to bed thing. It was great. Also ate strawberries every day and marvelled at the amount of food choices availalbe in the food courts! Maybe we've been in Samoa too long?????????????

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