Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Puppy Update

The puppies are now 5 weeks old. They are venturing out from under the shipping container now and even making a squeaky racket in the middle of the night to let us all know they are there! It has been interesting watching them grow from the rat like stage when they were first born with closed eyes, to the wobbly legged blue eyes open, to the strong playful puppies they are now. They crouch and pounce and bite and chew everything including each others tails and ears, with much protest from the bitee!! There are seven, 5 black ones that look like Lucky but with various patterns of brown and white, a golden one that looks a bit like Old Man and a grayish one.

Still have not figured out how many boys and girls as so far I’m having to look from outside the fence. Some Chinese people who run the Coin Save (aka $2 shop) that has just opened downtown are living in the house and so I haven’t ventured inside the gate onto their property. I have found homes for them all. Thing is that when I visited today there were only 5 so maybe some have been given away already?

Adam and I are off to visit Raymond, Lisa and Lincoln (new Nephew!!) in Brisbane at the end of the week so will see what the status is with puppies when we get back and re-home some then if necessary. Will also get the Samoa Animal Protection Society around again to perform the spaying of Lucky.

Old Man got the chop about 5 weeks ago and has recovered from his ordeal well after having a few nasty looking wounds probably from lying down in mucky places and dragging his tummy along the ground. I was on dog bollocks watch for a few days to make sure they did not get too infected. Lovely job that!!

I think Lucky will be more of a handful when it comes to muzzling and injecting her etc. APS basically back up the truck, unload a portable operating table, inject the sleepy drug then a painkiller, antibiotic and anesthetic then get to work on the dog. I couldn’t look at the surgery as it was making me feel queasy! Anyway we don’t want any more puppies and I think after 2 litters in the last year she might like to enjoy a life free of motherhood!! Maybe the APS can check on any puppies left when they come but I think they are looking pretty healthy. We are still feeding Lucky and Old Man daily which I hope is helping. Lucky is so very bony and skinny now and it doesn’t seem to matter how much food she gets she is still bony and skinny! The puppies must be taking it all from her just now. It has been an interesting daily jaunt up the street to visit the puppies since they have been born and I’ll miss them when they go but we can’t be feeding 7 new mouths on the street so good homes are what is required!

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