Dog collars I say. What's so special about them? Well they are foreign and alien objects to Samoan dogs that is for sure! Something to be extremely wary about!! After talking to Adam's sister over Christmas on Skype we figured it was time to try and train our 2 Samoan dogs a bit, starting with them getting used to wearing dog collars. With a collar we figure we have something to grab them by and if we get that far, something to tie them up with!
Old Man was of course absolutely no problem. Sat there and let us put his collar on and didn't bat an eyelid. He is a pretty laid back fellow. Always estatic to see us as he comes lolling up with his tongue hanging out and head on one side. Lucky on the other hand is another kettle of fish. I thought this was going to be a major achievement to get anywhere near her with the collar.
Anyway Adam agreed to what he called my "softly softly approach" so I began a weeks intensive training in "what is this collar thing"?, "see the collar does not bite if it is near you", "see the collar does not stop you eating your dinner if it is on the ground next to your bowl", "see I can still pat you with one hand while I have said collar in the other". She was still a bit jumpy every time she saw the collar come out however managed to stay with me when I had it in hand. By the end of the week I figured it was now or never so, yes big meanie, I attacked dog with collar while she was eating her dinner. Job done!! Easier than I thought. Got it clipped on before she knew it and she didn't really even react to it. It is still on and she does not seem bothered so now we have 2 flash dogs running around with 2 blue (of course) collars on!!
Next is to master the art of giving the dog a bath, teaching them to jump up into the boot of the car on their own (incase we need a vet check or have to run from another tsunami) and perhaps a few more commands to be obeyed such as "come" and "stay". We seem to have "sit" and "tummy" (to be tickled) down pat. I notice the fun things have been achieved first!