Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Well Monday morning and it was time take Lucky to APS for choppo. She came on heat last week so we have had the entire male population of the neighbourhood in the back yard lately!! Apparently it is not best to do choppo when the dog is on heat but as I wasn't actually told this (even though I asked) the poor thing had to endure anyway.

As for the enduring I'm not sure if Lucky or Adam had to do the most?! Poor Lucky has never been in a car before and of course knew something was going on before we did so getting her in there was interesting. Having evicted the big ass male dog from down the road, and patching up the hole in the fence so no one could get in or out, we tried the gentle coaxing patting of Lucky to get her as close to the car as possible. Adam in the end backed the car up towards her but of course she then definately knew something was up!

Poor Adam next .... he had to lift her up into the car. Well I was not going to be of much use as she is too big and heavy for me. Luckily we had lined the boot with a tarpaulin. Anyway Adam managed to come out of the experience covered in dog pee!! Lucky was actually not too bad in the boot of the car. Sat down and rode quietly.

We got to APS to see a man exiting the door covered in blood with gashes up his arms and a big plaster on his nose. "Crikey" I thought. I hoped our experience was not going to be like that! It turned out he had held his dog in his arms for injections or something and the dog had gone mental.

Somehow I managed to get a muzzle on Lucky without a similar experience. She was actually very well behaved which surprised me. Old Man got choppo pretty easily and I expected a fight with Lucky. Anyway then came the hard part. Sitting for 1 1/2 hours waiting for them to do the job. There was a "bleeder" apparently which meant things took longer. At the end of it all a very groggy dog emerged with needle sticks in her legs and shaven bits everywhere plus IV fluids. Poor old thing.

We got her home and out of the car OK. She lay for quite a few hours in the car port and slept which was good as Old Man kept trying to lie in the sun after his op which dogs are not meant to do especially in this heat. I got a bit worried though as she looked very "puppy" like so kept checking for breathing. At one stage she was very groggy and not breathing much.

All is good now though. She has pulled through and is nearly back to her usual mischief. We still have dogs hanging around but apparently that will cease soon as the estrogen gets out of her system. We need to fix the fence properly as somehow the wire, gardening twine and clothesline have all not worked in plugging up the gap. The dogs still get in and out!!

Now we look forward to breezy dog handling with no more puppies .... just got to sort Old Man now who is limping badly. I think fighting over Lucky ......................

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