Monday, January 7, 2013

Samoa's Christmas/New Year Races

Every year over the Christmas/New Year period, Samoa hosts horse races over a two day period at the Faleata race course.  This was our first time at the races.  Although not too successful in terms of making our millions, we did enjoy some time in the sun and the excitement of seeing "our" horses run, even if they did come last and second to last.  I guess that is what you get for betting on the "palagi" coloured horse and the one named "kiwi"!!  Perhaps next time we can consider better odds than the colour and name of the horse?!!  It was also interesting to see the Presidents 700m dash bareback race!

Placing our bet

Corona (the Palagi horse) looking good before the race while checking out what the finish line looks like!


 Budding race horses?  Maybe a few too many ribs showing at the moment though!

 What a winner looks like

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