Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ferns win gold!

Whoo hoo what a match. Extra time and extra on top of that until either australia or new zealand were 2 goals up in the commonwealth games gold medal netball final. In true samoan style the tv signal went in and out for the whole game and then what do you know but a power cut in extra time. I swear these people do this to 'p' me off! So it was a mad dash in the car round to nicolas house to see the last 9 minutes worth. It was a nail biter and a calculated risk going to an australian's house but it paid off in the end. Thanks to my friend nicola for her electricity. Being so gracious and putting up with me bouncing around her living room! WE WON GOLD. Yippee! My pick for player of the match is Maria Tutaia who was cool, calm and collected and banged the goals in from everywhere. What a star. Closely followed by casey williams who had another stormer in defence and anna scarlett making a great comeback and messing up aussie che with those long arms! Well done girls enjoy those medals.

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