Friday, May 28, 2010

Emergency Surgery!

Don’t worry it was either of us, but one of our dogs!

The other day we noticed an ugly growth on Old Man’s back and it started looking a bit nasty, so we decided to take him up to the Animal Protection Society (APS) to get it checked out. Unfortunately Angela had to work, so I had to do this myself. Old Man had never been in the car before, and even though he has been wearing a collar for a while and we even bought a lead a couple of weeks ago, he has never been on the lead. After trying to convince him to jump up into the car I realised the only way he was going to get was if I picked him up and put him in. Lucky for me he is a very laid back dog and just let me do it – unlike Lucky who tried to run away and then peed all over me when I picked her up! But unlike Lucky, once we started moving he didn’t want to sit still.

Somehow he managed to drool all over the place then climb from the back of the car over to the back seat then tried to stick his head on my lap for a pat! Once we got to APS I was pleasantly surprised when he let me put the lead on then climbed out of the car almost on command.

Once the vet had inspected the lump we decided to remove it. The surgery went OK, but when they removed the lump they discovered it was a tumour and was a lot bigger than they thought. After half a day recovering from the anaesthetic he seems to be back to normal, but he does have quite a big scar now.

So, a big faafetai lava to Skye and the team at APS for locking after Old Man so well.

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