Friday, April 2, 2010

Beeping level 1.1 etc

The other day us netball umpires got together to do our first trial beep test. When we had a visiting NZ Umpire over in January he suggested we set a goal to reach level 5 by March then level 7 by May. We also need to sit our theory in May or June (yes have applied for that) and if we can pass and progress will have some qualified umpires up to Regional level by the end of the year.

Anyway we measured the 20 metre course, set up the CD and away we went. The recording (the downloaded one) was a little fuzzy and not sure the beeps were quite at the right intervals all the time but this is Samoa after all!

We ran up and down and up and down in time with the beeps. I got to level 8.5!!!! Wow. All the boot camp training Adam has been putting me though must be paying off! I was actually quite nervous about the test as when I did it at home up and down the drive (and on to the grass as the drive was not long enough)I got to level 6. Looks like I'm on track anyway, now just have to sustain it however it's Easter so I'm off for a 4 day relaxing break staying near the Piula Cave pools on the North East part of Upolu. The running shoes will go but may not make it out of the bag. Plenty of easter eggs are going to get eaten including the extra special Lindt bunny Adam got me the other day for WST$18!!! At least they are selling them here this year. Will report back on the snorkelling prospects near Piula and might think of you all as I sit under my palm eating Easter Eggs and having a Jack!

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