Friday, August 15, 2008

R.I.P. Gill

This week I learned one of my dear friends back in Palmerston North passed away with Breast Cancer.

"Rest in Peace now Gill. You fought a tough battle and are an inspiration to all of us. You had the strength and humour to go on in the face of adversity and to prove them all wrong. I admire you so much for that. I will always remember our lunches and the stories we shared. I will also always treasure the beautiful flowers you picked for me from your garden. I miss you already dear friend but thank you for being a part of my life's journey."

With much love always

Angela xx

1 comment:

Hedley said...

Hi Angela
So sorry to read about your friend passing away.
You must have been great support for each other.
Today is our daffodil day and it is at times like this that we remember you all.
Much love